Black Friday Boycott

According to The Economist, 80 billion of new pieces of clothing are sold every year. Half of all clothes bought is thrown away within the first year - many have never been worn.
Think about that as the big and ugly monster of Black Friday approaches us again this Friday.
At Inner Chimp we will never do Black Friday.
Our beautiful designs deserve a better fate than to be sacrificed in a crazy shopping frenzy that only leads to mindless overspending. If you instead build your wardrobe slowly by buying quality clothes with longevity, you are actually getting a better deal.
For yourself, the environment and the people responsible for designing and making your clothes. We know that garments bought at Inner Chimp tend to get used - a lot! Do you have a Inner Chimp piece in your wardrobe that, for this exact reason, could use some love from a tailor?
Stop by our online shop this Friday.
Buy less, buy better and repair the clothes you love!